Animal Farm Play at Its Best
- 13.03.2023
- Sikorová Klára
You may not have read George Orwell's Animal Farm novel, but you might have heard the phrase "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." And we had a great opportunity to see its dramatic adaptation! With one small catch, the entire performance was in English (thank God it wasn't a group of Brits having a tea break:). But that didn't discourage us, and as one big group (three classes in total, quite a shock for public transport) we went from Kralupy to the capital city of Prague.
Just to get you into it, Animal Farm is an allegory for totalitarian regimes (Nazism, Stalinism), during the time of George Orwell’s Pandora's box, but this British journalist had the courage to open its doors for the rest of the world. Thanks to that, we were able to take a look at the mechanism of totalitarianism. He conveyed his message through the simple farm animals, which makes Animal Farm a farm of animals.
And how did the actors cope with portraying pigs, sheep, or horses? No, they didn't come on stage in animal costumes, which some of us wore as children at fancy dress parties. Instead of animal tails, ears, and feathers, they wore jeans, shirts, sweatshirts, and stylish knee pads. The play gained a completely new atmosphere. We dare say that the more casual costumes did not distract from the performances of the actors or the value of the play, and we still found ourselves on the animal farm.
Impressions of the Animal Farm performance were definitely worth it (despite the early morning waking up).
Kateřina Pelcová, Ester Momutová, Jakub Havrda, Tadeáš Karel, 2.P